Introduction to Production Engineering, Aim, Objectives and Requirements

Introduction to Production Engineering

Production is the process of converting inputs to required outputs by using various production methods. Production Engineering comprises manufacturing technology, Engineering Sciences, and management skills.

The production Engineer/ Manager is responsible to carry out the process flow of production in an efficient way. They should utilize the available resources optimally for the conversion of raw materials into finished goods. So they should have a wide knowledge of engineering best practices, manufacturing techniques, and management skills related production to run the process smoothly and most economically.

Aim, Objectives, and Requirements of Production:


The aim of the production is to produce the required goods and services that should fulfill customer needs and to generate profit from it.

Objectives of Production

  • Minimizing Production Time
  • Reducing Production Cost
  • Utilizing Resources Efficiently
  • Improving Customer Satisfaction
  • Maintaining High Quality
  • Right Quantity

Minimizing Production Time

The main goal of every production process is to complete the process as earlier as possible. That can be achieved by advanced or upgraded equipment, Regular maintenance of equipment (so that we can avoid any unwanted breakdowns and quality issues), Proper training for production line employees and new technology implementation (by automating certain production processes). Then various lean manufacturing concepts have been arrived to minimize the production time.

Reducing Production Costs

Companies can reduce the production cost by applying sound supply chain management (SCM) principles in the production planning efforts so that they can ensure the best approach to production and shipping. The efficient supply chain management and scheduling help to reduce a manufacturer’s costs by making sure the raw materials are delivered just-in-time to meet production and delivery needs.

Utilizing Resources Efficiently

The important goal in every production process is maximizing the efficient use of company’s resources and that can be achieved by capacity requirements planning (CRP). CRP helps to keep the right quantity of raw materials in the inventory that the company wants on the particular time period of production. To achieve this, the company has to deal with CRP and supply chain management to make sure there are the exact amount of enough resources on hand when needed (neither too many nor too few). By this way, a company can reduce the costs associated with the inappropriate allocation of company resources.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

When a company fully implements an improved production process, it minimizes the product defects and gives more reliable products at lower prices. The company should always deliver their products at the expected time for customers to ensure their satisfaction.

Maintaining High Quality

The product should have the desired quality to fulfill the customer’s expectations. To achieve the expected quality, the company should have trained employees, advanced equipment, and proper inspection methods in their production process to reduce the defects.

Right Quantity

Before starting any production process, a clear decision should be taken regarding how much to produce. So the company should do proper demand forecasting before starting their production process.

Requirements of Production:

The requirements of production are land, labor, physical capital, and human capital.


It is an important requirement for the production of goods and services. Without land, production is impossible.


Labor means human force. Things cannot be produced without human interaction. Labour is another important requirement of production of goods and services. Labour represents all the people that are available to transform resources into goods or services that can be purchased.

Physical Capital

Physical capital refers to the variety of inputs that are needed for various stages of production such as tools, machinery, finances, raw material, etc., 

Human capital

Human capital is another requirement of production of goods and services. Human capital is the knowledge and effort that is put to meet the other requirements like land, labor and physical capital to achieve the production of goods and services.
